The Intersection of Fear & Faith Painting
22" x 30" oil pastel on faux concrete The geomcodes (geometric art ciphers) in this painting are based on morse code: The black says "fear"; the solid squares represent dots and the outline squares represent dashes The white says faith; the complete white squares represent dots and the incomplete squares represent dashes.
The Intersection of War & Peace
22" x 30 " oil pastel on faux concrete with wood frame. The geomcodes (geometric art ciphers) in this painting are based on morse code and the solids circles represent dots and the outline of circles represent dashes: The orange circles say "war" The blue circles say "peace"
The Intersection of Life & Death
The Intersection of Life & Death 22" x 30" - Oil pastel on faux concrete Based on the idea of producing the fruit of life despite being surrounded by systemic oppression. The geocodes (geometric art ciphers) in this painting are based on the following: The black pattern is based on binary code, which represents the matrix of oppression and it says "death" - a dash is a 0 and a + is a 1 The white pattern is based on tap code, which has traditionally been a form of communication among prisoners by tapping on pipes, walls and floors,...
Geomcode Sunray Pattern Explained

Our new graphics have been developed as Geomcodes... words hidden as geometric shapes. A Geomcode is a geometric visual expression of an encoded message. The graphic below is a geocode that says “Love” using binary code as the it's foundation. Each of the sun's rays are 8 shapes long because binary code is based on an 8 number sequence made up of zeros and ones. All of the half circles on the left side of the rays represent zeros and all of the half circles on the right side represent ones. The ray to the farthest left of the graphic is...
Love GEOMCODE: Minimalist Spheres Explained

Geomcodes... words hidden as geometric shapes. A Geomcode is a geometric visual expression of an encoded message. The graphic below is a geocode that says “Love” using binary code as the foundation. Binary code utilizes an 8 number sequence made up of zeros and ones to represent a letter of the alphabet. Each of the circles in this graphic are split down the middle. Each of the white lines/rectangles on the left side of each circle represent a 0, and each of the lines/rectangles on the right side of each circle represent a 1. Moving from top to bottom of the...