Geomcode: Love Flower Pedals Explained

I created Geomcodes as a geometric expression of an encoded message. This Geomcode was created using the Binary Code system of 0s & 1s. Each row of flower pedals in this graphic are 8 shapes long representing either a 0 or a 1. All of the pedals on the left side of a row represent 0s and those on the right side of the row represent 1s. Starting at the top of the left rrow, then moving to the right, we see the following: 01101100 = L 01101111 = O 01110110 = V 01100101 = E
Geomcode Love Swish Graphic Explained

New graphics have been developed as Geomcodes... words hidden as geometric shapes. A Geomcode is a geometric visual expression of an encoded message. The graphic below is a GEOMCODE that says “Love” using Tapcode encoding. Tapcode is a simple way to encode and transmit messages on a letter-by-letter basis using a series of tap sounds. Each letter is made up of two series of taps; the first series being the row the letter can found in, and the second series is the column the letter can be found in. Tapcode Table 3 taps followed by 1 tap= L 3 taps followed...
What are Geomcodes?

Geometry + enconding = Geomcodes Geomcodes are a geometric visual expression of encoded messages. JW Martin developed Geomcodes in 2009 as a subgenre in conceptual art and design and began using them in his paintings and illustrated prints. JW first started with inspiration from braille, and quickly applied various techniques to represent numerical alphabet ciphers, morse code, binary code, IBM punchcard code and any other encoding he discovered. The above painting is one of his first attempts to translate a braille pattern into another geometric shape. You can decode the painting above by simply placing a dot on the corner...